Why Choose UQG Optics for Your Optical Component Needs

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UQG Optics Office

UQG Optics is a leading manufacturer of optical components, established over six decades ago. Based in Cambridge, UK, we’ve built a solid reputation for delivering high-quality precision optics to customers worldwide.

Our global reach extends beyond the United Kingdom, serving clients across Europe, North America and Asia. This international presence allows us to meet the diverse needs of businesses around the world, combining British engineering expertise with global industry knowledge.

With more than 65 years of continuous operation, we bring a wealth of experience to every project. Our longevity in the industry is a testament to our commitment to quality, innovation and customer satisfaction. Over the years, we’ve adapted to changing technologies and market demands, consistently delivering optical solutions that meet the exacting standards of our clients.

Whether you need stock components or custom solutions, our decades of experience ensure that we can meet your optical component needs with precision and reliability.

Our Services

We provide a comprehensive range of optical services to meet your specific needs:

Stock Optical Components

We maintain a large inventory of standard optical components, including windows, filters, mirrors, lenses and prisms, ensuring quick delivery for your immediate requirements.

Custom Optical Components

Our state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities allow us to produce bespoke optical components tailored to your exact specifications.

Optical Assembly Services

We offer expert assembly of complex optical systems, ensuring precision and quality in every component. Click here for more information.

Glass Processing

Our services include glass dicing, polishing, lapping, grinding and cutting, providing you with perfectly shaped and finished optical elements. Click here for more information.

Optical Coatings

We apply specialised coatings to enhance the performance of optical components, tailored to your specific application needs. Click here for more information.

Materials processed by UQG Optics

We work with a wide range of materials to suit various optical applications:

– Optical glass

– Fused silica

– Sapphire

– Silicon

– Germanium

– Zinc Selenide

– Calcium Fluoride

View our full materials page here.

Industry sectors served by UQG Optics

We serve a diverse range of industries, including but not limited to:

Aerospace and Defence: From the optics required for advanced weaponry to lenses in visual surveillance, reconnaissance and security equipment

Medical: such as spectroscopy, spectrometry, microscopy, endoscopy and many forms of medical sensors and imaging

Electronics and Optoelectronics: These include lenses, windows and prisms used in LED solutions and fibre optical instruments, as well as optical sensors

Engineering & Industrial Manufacturing: Industrial lasers across a range of applications, including LED and display testing in automotive and consumer electronics

University and Research Centres: Original research, science and discovery through to applied research in engineering, medical and pharmaceutical disciplines.

Our Quality Assurance

Quality is at the heart of everything we do. We are proud to be BS EN ISO 9001:2015 certified, which demonstrates our unwavering commitment to maintaining the highest quality standards in the industry.

Our manufacturing process is characterised by rigorous quality control measures. From start to finish, each component undergoes meticulous operator inspections. We employ batch testing using advanced equipment such as interferometers and spectrophotometers to ensure precision and consistency. Before any product leaves our facility, it undergoes thorough visual checks, guaranteeing that only flawless components reach our customers.

Continuous improvement is integral to our quality philosophy. We regularly conduct internal audits and management reviews to set objectives and monitor our performance. This proactive approach allows us to respond promptly to any challenges and adapt to changing industry demands. By consistently refining our processes, we ensure that we not only meet but exceed customer expectations, solidifying our position as a leader in optical component manufacturing.

Get in touch

Choosing UQG Optics for your optical component needs means partnering with a company that combines decades of experience, global reach, comprehensive services and an unwavering commitment to quality.

Contact us today to discuss how we can meet your optical component requirements and contribute to the success of your projects.